Mise à jour le 17/11/2021
Liste des anti patterns

Liste des anti patterns

Voici la liste des anti patterns les plus populaires.

1. 20 antipatterns généraux

* Accidental complexity
* Action at a distance
* Boat anchor
* Busy waiting
* Caching failure
* Cargo cult programming
* Coding by exception
* Design pattern
* Error hiding
* Flag parameter
* Hard code
* Lasagna code
* Lava flow
* Loop-switch sequence
* Magic numbers
* Magic strings
* Repeating yourself
* Shooting the messenger
* Shotgun surgery
* Soft code
* Spaghetti code

2. 12 antipatterns POO

* Anemic domain model
* Call super
* Circle–ellipse problem
* Circular dependency
* Constant interface
* God object
* Object cesspool
* Object orgy
* Poltergeists
* Sequential coupling
* Singleton Pattern
* Yo-yo problem

2.1 9 antipatterns méthodologiques

* Copy and paste programming
* Golden hammer
* Invented here
* Not invented here (NIH) syndrome
* Premature optimization
* Programming by permutation
* Reinventing the square wheel
* Silver bullet
* Tester-driven development